DSU Welcomes Dennis Schools!

1. Why choose Direct School Uniforms to replace Dennis?
Direct School Uniforms boasts top quality products at affordable costs. We do all the hard work so you don't have to. Simple to check out, then wait for doorstep delivery!
2. What are benefits of using DSU's platform?
Each approved school will receive their own page with any dedicated uniform breakdowns you need to meet school dress code requirements. No hassle.
3. Can we have confidence in DSU to deliver to all school sizes?
We accommodate any branded school wear, embroidered or heat press, from polos to socks to jumpers to blazers and ties. Our pricing is affordable and the products are extremely durable.
4. What are the costs and durability of our uniforms?
Each product is A+ or Tulane brand base items, which are strategically durability tested prior to release. Costs are affordable for your student population no matter the demographic.
5. How do we sign up?
Easy! Contact Julie Batycki as soon as you can in order to be approved for our limited remaining slots! All applicants can inquire, we can also plan ahead for the coming year(s) if you're in a current contract.
Contact Julie soon to secure your spot! We look forward to serving your community.
Julie Batycki Email: julie@directschooluniforms.com
Julie Batycki Phone: (423)-421-6614
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